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Comedy Performance in Indy
2005-06-16 22:55
by Scott Long

I've had a few people ask when I will be performing in Indy, so I thought I would give a heads-up to shows I will be doing next week. The shows will be on June 24 and 25 at the Comedy Club in the Adams Mark Hotel (Airport location.) I've set up a deal with the club on the 10:00 PM shows, for buy 1 get 1 free admission deals, so if you are interested in attending, email me at There also are 8:00 PM shows, but full admission price will happen at those. I'm in Oklahoma City this week, so if you are around and are not a fundamentalist Muslim, who loves Clay Aiken, come out to the Loony Bin Comedy Club and say hi.

2005-06-17 08:25:40
1.   TFD
Hey Scott. Damn, I'm 0-3. Won't be in Indy..I am a fundamentalist Muslim and I hate Clay Aiken... Ah well, next time. ;-)

Not to turn this into an open thread, but will someone tell the good folks at McClatchy to please hire a beat WRITER!

This isn't even a stats/scouting thing. I'd just like to see someone who can write in more than one sentence paragraphs.

And to think this guy has a HOF vote and Joe Sheehan doesn't. Egads. This world is surely going to hell....oops...forgot it is!


2005-06-19 10:07:51
2.   22Ryan
Same guy who left who Pedro Martinez off his MVP ballot in 1999.
2005-06-19 16:04:38
3.   spycake
To be fair, TFD, your "one-sentence paragraph" complaint appears to be based on the online version, which is simply formatted differently than the print version. The Star Tribune does this a lot for some reason.

I actually kind of like LaVelle E. Neal (MVP voting aside). Compared to the other Minnesota media outlets that "cover" baseball, Neal is a revelation.

2005-06-21 19:33:42
4.   Todd S
Drat. That time and place would normally be perfect, Scott, but unfortunately (and I mean that literally) my wife has scheduled a trip to my in-laws this weekend. Heck-I live less than 15 minutes from there. Sorry I'm going to miss it.

If you'll be in Indy again, please post so I can catch your show. And you can tell me to go to hell in person. :)

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