Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
This time, there should be no doubt.
Joey Niezer threw a one-hitter yesterday and, heading into the tourney season, is ready to go. Yes, the gyroball was thrown for strikes and, for those that doubt, here's some video.
So how do you throw that thing again?
Controling the best HS hitting prosect - or at least someone in the top 100 - for 4 PA in a game is sometimes a better gauge than how the pitcher does vs. a team of players that are just a notch above (perhaps) than the Lighthouse of the Blind school team or a quad from St. Mary's all-girls school.
Will, any idea how Joey has done against some legit hitting prospects? Has he faced any of them at all? It would be interesting to know the results.
(But guess what - HE'S DEPOSITED! So I have a hunch where he's going to be plying the gyro for a while anyway...)
please see
Btw, nice interview on the King Kauffman site. Outside of BP, he's my favorite scribe.
can anyone post this information, or a link to same?
Is that the gyroball in the bottom right video, matsui.mpg?
If so, that video gives a more close up look at the pitch for those looking to learn how to throw it.
So, correct me if I'm wrong...The arm motion is just a fastball right?
How does the ball come off the fingers? On the curveball side, on the circle-change side, or like a fastball?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.