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Lindsay Lohan makes me a believer in lip-synching
2004-12-16 13:07
by Scott Long

In a world where Clay Aiken has a best-selling book, we now have Lindsay Lohan making the talkshow rounds pimping her music CD. Miss Lohan, who I will admit has her charms, in a coquettish, young Ann Margaret way is following the tradition of teen actors putting out music to capitalize on their fleeting Tiger Beat fame. (see Leif Garrett, Rex Smith, Alyssa Milano, Jennifer Love Hewitt, etc.)

I have always felt that if you're performing live you owe it to the audience to not lip-synch, but after listening to Lohan screech her way through her first single on the Ellen DeGeneres Show today, I have had a change of heart. Considering that Lohan and so many other pop idols are so awful (notice I did not mention Clay, because even though he's not my kind of music, I do acknowledge he does have vocal talent) I think lip-synching is the best way to go. Since Lohan has only been allowed to release a CD because she is fun to watch, it's better to have her mouth the words to her overproduced, backup singer saved songs.

The most important question you might ask is "WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR LIFE AWAY DISCUSSING SUCH PABLUM?" I don't have a good answer to that. I guess we have information in our brain that we know is wasting space, but damned if it just doesn't stay in there. If you don't believe me, wait for this site's newest upcoming segment: Saved By the Bell trivia conducted by America's Foremost Expert on the show, Will Carroll.


I read the following blurb in the Perspectives' section of Newsweek, recently and thought I would share. It had originally appeared on
"I would like to fight a Bush supporter....If you are one, have a fiery streak, please contact me so we can meet and physically fight. I would like to beat the shit out of you."
It's good to know that TFD is still writing, it's just for Craig's List now.

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