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2004-08-30 00:21
by Will Carroll

I remember when SI meant Frank Deford to me. It was the only game in town for good sports news in those days and Deford was the cock of the walk. The natty white suits, french cuffs, and cheesy mustache only served to make him more exotic to me, while his writing was second to none in the era.

I'm still not sure why The National, a sports daily newspaper, failed, especially in light of the success of USA Today, but I did my part. SI ceased to be part of my sports world sometime in the early 90s, but I'm not sure why. I'd blame Rick Reilly if I could, but that would be like blaming Bush - fun, but not always accurate in every case.

Somehow, SI is becoming a part of it again. As ESPN dumbs down, SI has smarted up. It's still the same mag, but the website is a better read. Peter King is a must-read, Dr. Z is damned good, and others, like my friend Daniel Habib, are getting more bylines.

Long way around to linking Daniel's latest missive from the exquisite Saratoga Springs. I was only there once, in 1993, but I loved it.

I'm glad I don't cover horse racing too. /falsetto

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