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Pirates with 2 Patches
2004-05-12 19:18
by Scott Long

Just got back from Pittsburgh last week and wanted to throw out my thoughts on PNC Park. The best thing by far about PNC is the view of the city, perfectly framed beyond the outfield. Pittsburgh has a great skyline and numerous bridges crossing the 3 rivers which dissect it. Outside the front of the park, many restaurants and outdoor patios line the street, which gives the area a really nice flavor. There doesn't seem to be a bad seat in the place, with the bleachers behind left field the most unique, as they are set low enough that you have the same view as the left fielder. Of the parks I've been to, I would rate them in this order.

1. Wrigley (and I hate the Cubs)
2. Ballpark in Arlington (I love the old Tiger Stadium influence)
3. Camden Yards
4. PNC Park
5. Kauffman Stadium (Royals)
6. Busch Stadium
7. US Cellular (Commiskey)
8. Miller Park
9. Metrodome (Hefty bag stadium)

Former stadiums I've been

1. Tiger Stadium (Briggs Field)
2. Fulton County (Braves)
3. Riverfront (Reds)

By the way, I love baseball, but it takes a real fanatic to sit through a Pirates game, as that is a team without one superstar player. Even Tampa and Montreal have one player who has all-star ability. Not a pretty future, either. When Benson is healthy, he and Kip Wells are solid front-line starters, but the rest of the Pirates are replacement level at best. (Craig Wilson is finally getting a full-time chance and he's producing, but when Craig Wilson is by far your best offensive force.....) The Pirates just brought up Daryle Ward from Triple A and looking at their roster he would be the second best hitter on the team. How was he playing in their minor league system?

Okay, I promise never to spend this much time talking about the Pirates. Let me finish by saying that I think the Spiderman 2 emblem should be allowed at PNC Park, as it would give third base some use for once.

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